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"Everybody around here is afraid of the boys," he says.Most people spend a week in the mountains getting mellow. I'll be trying to avoid getting mauled.
"I don't blame them," I says. "They hunt deer, Alex. Most guys chase critters; your guys stalk 'em and kill 'em!"
"They're my babies."
"They're mutants, Alex. I'm bringing Bootz with me."
"Good," Alex says. "The boys like Bootzie."
"So do I," I say. "When your guys realize you're not around and turn on me he'll make it a fair fight. He can keep Boris busy while Boomer is kicking my ass."
"The police said I was lucky I wasn't in Burma or central Africa, where journalists get the real treatment," he added.They were right, you poor sap. At least in either of those places, you would have known your ass was on the line, and expected your own government to have at least paid some lip service to protecting you if something like this had occurred.
Mr Tillack said the raid was triggered by a complaint from the EU's anti-fraud office, OLAF. He was accused of paying money to obtain a leaked OLAF dossier two years ago, which he denies. ... As the author of a recent book on EU corruption, he has the greatest archive of investigative files of any journalist working in Brussels.And they are pouring through those files, looking for the people who are disgusted with what a thoroughly corrupt thing the EU has become and turned to you to get the word out. Whichever of your sources they haven't rounded up before this became public better get their asses on a train or a plane, pronto.
"Mayoral control means mayoral control, thank you very much," said Mr. Bloomberg. It came across as a sneer.No, it came across as the facts of life for the city's educational community. Bloomie's in charge, and he's serious. You get in his way and he'll bury you. He's staking his entire administration on pulling the city's school system out of the sewer it's been wallowing in for the last twenty or more years, and anyone who gets in his way is gonna get stomped.
Towards the end; the New Yorker bit. Dead-on; had no idea what that mook was talking about, either. I've pretty much given up on the New Yorker, but the wife doesn't want to cancel the subscription because of the poetry and the arts reviews.
I learned a lesson that night – many lessons in fact. And to all you conspiracy buffs out there, who see the dark machinations of the Leaders of Industry pulling Hidden Levers in Corporate Boardrooms. I say simply this: Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by Stupidity.This is followed by three sentences that neatly summarizes the current political landscape:
There was a time, an age ago, where the differences between what we call the Left and the Right seemed more or less academic; maybe the distance from one high-rise tower to its twin – close enough to see the coffee mugs and family photos on the other side’s desk.Whichever end of the political spectrum lights up your life, you really should
Then something happened.
Now we peer across a divide so wide that we can no longer see the other side; where the residents of the opposing camps as not seen as having a difference of opinion so much as being considered insane.
Don't need to own a computer;(courtesy of the LeatherPenguin SongStylings Scrapbook)
don't need an ISP.
Don't need much more
than an IE QuickStart Guide
and your own curiosity!
"Through this joint exercise, we hope to learn the French navy's combat training experience and combat thought," Ju was quoted as saying.You don't know France's "combat thought," Mr. Commie destroyer captain? It's "Drop Drawers; Bend Over." Oh, and plumb their nautical minds for the best way to build boats that barely float.
Rangers enforcer Sandy McCarthy said that the NHL's suspension was sufficient."Rangers enforcer..."
So, to the class of 2004 and to the alumni of Cornell University, I ask you this: are you happy with the way Cornell pisses away money on flat panel monitors and our JCPenney logo? Do you think that leftist indoctrination should be the hallmark of a well-rounded education? Does it please you that underrepresented minorities accepted to the School of Arts & Sciences scored on average 200 points lower on the SATs than their Asian-American counterparts? Are you content with the fact that one of our new "professors" is a rambling lunatic of a failed politician who supports an apartheid regime? If so, then by all means, send in your $20.04 or even more if you're one of the few lucky students with job offers!This is why I posted this. Either one alone would make a sane alumnus hurl; the two as a tag team....
"To the fans of hockey and the fans of Vancouver, to the kids that watch this game, I'm truly sorry. I don't play the game that way. I'm not a mean-spirited person."Yes, asshole, you do play the game that way. We got video proof, you mealymouthed piece of shit. He was skating away from you and you corralled him and tried--not to send a message--but send him to sleep with the fishes. If whichever of his linemates hadn't jumped on you when you were grinding his head into the ice, you could have killed him. Cry all you want, but pray to whatever God you got that your jury isn't made up of people who know the game. Because they'll lock your ass up, same as baseball breathers are ready to hang Barry Bonds. You fucked with the game. You clowns come and go; the Game is what we give a shit about.
"The league should ban Bertuzzi for life from any association with professional hockey, much as Major League Baseball did with Pete Rose for gambling, a far less serious offence."What McSorley did, the incident everybody uses as comparison, was viscious and dumb, and it cost him his career. What Bertuzzi did was on a magnum level worse. Bertuzzi tried to turn a kid who had already received his payback for a LEGAL hard hit into a stain no Zamboni could clean up.
There surely is a God, and I wonder if He didn’t create this universe so it could lead up to the moment of absolute sublimity I am experiencing now. It’s not my surroundings that please, although they’re fine – the kitchen is clean, the dishwasher churning away, the flowers on the table still giving off a faint sweet scent. It’s not the knowledge that I can sleep an extra 15 minutes tomorrow morning and hence can watch some TV for the first time in five days when I’m done with this. It’s the three items to the left of my laptop: a small ration of Maker’s Mark, a wedge of Irish Cheddar Cheese, and some thin Italian meat derived from a pig. I’m not saying that the universe was designed solely to lead up to this moment of bliss, but I wouldn’t discount the idea right away.I'm more times than not insanely envious of Jimbo's life.
"This is what baseball is all about," said A-Rod, who has hungered to be in the middle of such a battle.Reminder to the new Bronx Zoo Crew: Bagging the Series would be nice, but beating the Beantown bastards so hard they're all screaming for a suicide shot is all we want this season. (for my market friends: go long on Pepto-Bismol's gonna move better than gold on the East Coast this season.)
He really thinks he is John L. Lewis, even working with A-Rod and Jeter and Manny Ramirez. He thinks that an association with $252 million ballplayers and $190 million ballplayers and $160 million ballplayers, all free to make these huge individual deals, are steelworkers, or the Teamsters.Jeez, the International Olympic Committee, no great bastion of ethical action, realized what steroids were doing to the public's perception of the Games and banned them. Even goddamn stakes horses get tested to make sure they aren't seeking chemical advantage! Being obstinant in the face of this furor is gonna mean asterisks being planted next to the names of McGwire, Bonds, and other players who have been battering the bejesus out of baseballs since the strike, rewriting the record book in the process.
Moses and Ware came up with the basic concepts of The Algebra Project in 1969. Also around this time, Ware began formulating the plan of attacking racism in chess.One problem: According to The Algebra Project's website:
The Algebra Project was born out of one parent's concern with the mathematics education of his children in the public schools of Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 1982, Bob Moses was invited by Mary Lou Mehrling, his daughter's eighth grade teacher, to help several students with the study of algebra. Moses, who had taught secondary school mathematics in New York City and Tanzania, decided that an appropriate goal for those students was to have enough skills in algebra to qualify for honors math and science courses in high school. His success in producing the first students from the Open Program of the Martin Luther King School who passed the city-wide algebra examination and qualified for ninth grade honors geometry was a testament to his skill as a teacher.Sounds like the article's author got punk'd.
He's a provocateur whose time has passed, a shock jock who shocks no one.He's over; has been for years. He couldn't change his game and when push came to shove Clear Channel sent him into the abyss. He's racked up too many fines to justify his threat to their bottom line in the current clime. And he works for their main opposition in the broadcast wars. That he lasted as long as he did on their stations amazed me. Leno recognized a walking corpse and started tearing at the bones before it turned into dust.
I predicted that Stern would end up going to satellite and he talked about it this morning. He said that if he went onto satellite, they'd sell 12 million receivers immediately; "they wouldn't be able to make them fast enough." It would change the entire radio industry, making broadcast stations worth a helluva lot less, he said, and he's right. Radio had no appointment programming until Stern came; if he goes to satellite, he will bring listeners and excitement and revenue with him.Howard isn't going anywhere unless Mel Karmazin says so. Howard's under contract to Infinity/Viacom, and neither of the main satellite broadcasters has the money Stern would demand, or the balls to battle Mel, to bring Stern's act to their town. And Stern's audience are not all the mindless lemmings that you seem to devolve into when it comes to Howard's defence.
Radio had no appointment programming until Stern came;...Oh, bullshit! Music fans turned the dial to their favorite DJ's station at the appointed hour ever since there were DJs. Whether the DJ was Jonathan Schwartz spinning Sinatra, Wolfman Jack howling at the moon or one of the Rambling Gamblings. I have followed Vin Scelza and his "Idiot's Delight" radio show all over the damn dial, but if Vinny goes satellite, he better offer an Internet stream or it 'sayonara, paisan!' Stern would only draw rabid acolytes like yourself to make such an investment in a three-four hour radio show.