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Monday, March 22, 2004

Gonna Be A Long Week in LeatherPenguin Land

I gotta get off my butt and get some projects done. I have to paint the jacuzzi room, clean the basement, learn Webworks Publisher for Word, finish stripping and staining the curio Ginny bought at a flea market last summer, and finally get the Movable Type changeover under way. The LP Publishing website will be stripped and rebuilt from the ground up; all the crap that nobody looks at anyway gets yanked and the message boards get blown up, for starters. ICTUSonline goes into mothballs until I can figure out how to incorporate it into the new MT interface. Or not. Maybe I just put a bullet in its brain.

I have till Friday to pull this all off, because then I begin ten days upstate at Alexander's Inn to babysit my buddy Alex's two monster dalmations (160 pounds each...these two don't chase the firetruck, they haul it to the fire). Alex is off to Germany for a week to visit his family--especially his grandkid, who he hasn't seen in years. None of his neighbors want anything to do with the dogs, so he called me.
"Everybody around here is afraid of the boys," he says.
"I don't blame them," I says. "They hunt deer, Alex. Most guys chase critters; your guys stalk 'em and kill 'em!"
"They're my babies."
"They're mutants, Alex. I'm bringing Bootz with me."
"Good," Alex says. "The boys like Bootzie."
"So do I," I say. "When your guys realize you're not around and turn on me he'll make it a fair fight. He can keep Boris busy while Boomer is kicking my ass."
Most people spend a week in the mountains getting mellow. I'll be trying to avoid getting mauled.


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